On July 6, 1970, Fred B. Machol, John C. Prisel, and Charles D. Marshall were issued a Certificate of Incorporation for Acme Cleaning Equipment, Inc. by the State of Texas, Charter No. 277779.
The corporation was organized to engage in the business of purchasing, manufacturing, refining, distributing, selling, and trading in and with any all cleaning equipment and supplies. The post office address of its initial registered office was 1300 Fifth Street, P.O. Box 102, Seabrook, Texas. The physical address was 1209 Highway 146, Seabrook, Texas 77586.
The first order received was repair parts for a large pump in Mexico. Advertising was limited to the Thomas Register of Manufacturers, Yellow pages, magazines, and trade shows. Sales were mostly to equipment rental stores and private label pump and washdown systems. Fred did most of the selling and John handled purchasing and administration while Charles did the books and in the evenings they all participated in assembling the equipment.
Shaping ACME Cleaning Equipment into What it is Today
As the sales increased and more people were needed in assembling the equipment, they hired high school kids to work part-time after school. Today some 50 years later, two of those high school boys (brothers, one since 1975 and the other since 1978) are essential employees at Acme.
Customer and vendor relationships were forged in the 1970s that continue today our customer base expanded to Agriculture (pumps and equipment for spraying fertilizer and pesticides), ranching (wash down equipment for trailers, barns, and stockyards), heavy manufacturing (pump systems that were part of the process as well as washdown of equipment for maintenance), industrial cleaning chemicals and janitorial supplies.
In 1985 Robert Berry joined the sales force to bring in oilfield customers. His experience as a sales engineer in the electrical, lighting, and pump package areas made a good fit with Acme’s plans. Shortly he was promoted into management, started acquiring stock and by 2001 he became the sole stockholder.
We purchased our current location (6839 Piccadilly Drive Houston, Texas 77061) in 1991.